Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/9/2025 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-005 1  Miscellaneous ItemConsideration of a Contract with Carolina CAT, Inc. City Council is requested to consider a contract with Carolina CAT, Inc. in the amount of $157,113.82 for the installation of a generator at the Municipal Operations Center (MOC) and authorize the appropriate City Official(s) to execute all necessary documents. (Recommended by the Finance Committee)   Not available Not available
2025-007 1  Miscellaneous ItemConsideration of Amendment No. 1 to the Master Equipment, Software License, and Services Agreement with Delerrok, Inc. City Council is requested to consider Amendment No. 1 to the Master Equipment, Software License, and Services Agreement with Delerrok, Inc. in the amount of $137,391.00 and authorize the appropriate City Official(s) to execute all necessary documents. (Recommended by the Finance Committee)   Not available Not available
2025-008 1  Miscellaneous ItemConsideration of a Contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. City Council is requested to consider a contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. in the amount of $178,360.63 for development of a short-range transportation plan and authorize the appropriate City Official(s) to execute all necessary documents. (Recommended by the Finance Committee)   Not available Not available
2025-009 1  Miscellaneous ItemConsideration of Task Order #2 with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. City Council is requested to consider Task Order #2 with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $118,210.64 for additional design services for the Triangle Lake Road Bond Project and authorize the appropriate City Official(s) to execute all necessary documents. (Recommended by the Finance Committee)   Not available Not available
2025-010 1  Miscellaneous ItemConsideration a Purchase from Barrs Recreation, LLC City Council is requested to consider a purchase from Barrs Recreation, LLC through the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing contract in the amount of $178,349.25 for the purchase and installation of a new composite play structure for Oak Hollow Marina and authorize the appropriate City Official(s) to execute all necessary documents. (Recommended by the Finance Committee)   Not available Not available